There are lots of laws concerning driving on the road, like don’t drink and drive, wear a seat belt, and even the most recent law passed this summer in Ontario that says no hand-held devices allowed by the driver. So what happens when someone watches porn?
I was on my way to work this past summer and I stumbled upon a news article talking about a man who was watching porn while driving. Not only was he watching porn, but he was speeding 40km/hr over the speed limit. Big surprise, HE’S NIGERIAN. It’s a good thing that the newspaper did not indicate that he was black, talk less of being Nigerian.
The reason I knew he was Nigerian was because of his name, you see, as typical as African names are; I was able to point out that the guy was Edo. Is it me or is it weird that someone can watch porn at the same time multi-task? They never really said if he was masturbating too. Lol.
Attached below is the link to the news article
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