Tuesday, June 29, 2010

African Tales

I have been doing a lot of reading amid my school studies lately. I recently stumbled upon a writer named Chimanada Adichie and I can say that that lady is really good in what she does. I am currently reading a book of hers called "Half of a Yellow Sun" and it is going pretty well.

I looked her up on the internet and came across some short stories that she wrote. Since I have been away from Nigeria for about 4 years now, I could not help but feel a little bit homesick. Her stories talked about our customs, food, culture, and the constant respect for our elders. Those stories also talked about storytelling. I remember when I was little and my mum told me and my siblings of stories about the tortoise, lion, elephant etc. I also remember watching "tales by moonlight" on Sunday evenings when growing up. I don't really think that I am a good storyteller and sometimes wonder if I would be able to tell my future children these kinds of tales.

Anyone who is interested in reading a few short stories of this talented writer should click on the link below. It would be worth your read. Have a great long weekend for those in Canada.

Thursday, March 25, 2010


Ok, I know that I have written about Landlords before, now I want to vent about roommates. I have actually lived with different types of people without prior knowledge of knowing them. All ranging from colour, sex, sexual orientation and religion. All in all, I can say that the worst roommates that I have had so far have been guys (no offence).

My previous roommate was an international student from Pakistan who had never lifted a finger to clean up anything in his life. He was a hairy mother fucker (pardon my language) who happened to shed most of his hair in the washroom. It is more like he added a layer of carpet to the bathroom floor. I told him that we should alternate the cleaning schedule but when his turn came, it was either he was never around, or just never did his part. To even make it worse, there was a time that we ran out of tissue. Since I was the one who bought the previous package, I thought it wise that he should buy the next batch. Upon notifying him on the issue, he had the gots to tell me that he did not use as much tissue but instead used water. That was when I flipped my lid and we got into a shouting match at 7am in the morning.

Now back the present, I currently have a roommate who is gay and from Bangladesh. He’s a nice guy and all but I will like to differ on the opinion that gay guys are neat because this guy is a story on his own. Not only does he smoke in his room, which I smell in the rest of the house, but he never lifts up the seat when he wants to use the toilet. To make it even worse, in the event that he splashes some of his urine on the seat, he never bothers to clean it up. I have even told him about this problem and I thought it would be embarrassing for him and it would sink in but NO, the fool still does the same thing over and over again. Right now as I am typing this blog at work (lol), there are piles of dishes in the sink which have been there for the past 7 days and counting. I told him to wash them but he has been MIA ever since. I am thinking of placing them right in front of his room door but I can’t even stand touching those dishes with the rotten food remains.

I’m not one for passive aggressiveness (e.g. writing notes and posting it) but I am on the verge of ripping someone’s brains out. What do you guys expect me to do?

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Let's have a Rethink

I saw this link on a fellow blogger's post and I wanted to share it with the rest of you. Enjoy!!

Shuga Episode 1 from mtv staying alive on Vimeo.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

When is it too many?

So I was going through some pictures on Facebook of ex boyfriends, lovers, e.t.c and I could not help but wonder, do girls really count the amount of people they have slept with?
At what stage do we know that we have had too many sexual partners?
I personally have not picked up the pen to count how many people I have slept with but when asked, I say "I have had quite a few" but I never give the specific number (due to the fact that I do not count them).
So please, I am asking, how many sexual partners over the course of your life is too much?

Monday, February 1, 2010

Let Me Dream for a While

I see the bills pile up each month. The tuition I owe never goes away.
It's hard trying to pay international fees by one's self
But that is the reality that I have to face each day.
I know my problems, so let me dream a little bit each day.
Let me forget that I have problems. Please don't remind me of my problems.
I don't do drugs, I don't drink too much, I don't have any deathly habits.
But I have a habit of dreaming, I dream big dreams that I'm too ashamed to even talk about
I know my problems, you don't have to remind me.
Just grant me one wish, and let me dream for a while.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

What is his Priority?

Like everyone who is living in Canada, there are times that I just feel like partying but not just any kind of party, I wanna go to a party where they play Naija Jams. Unfortunately, those places are scarce unless you wanna go to Eagle Haus which I have already rated as synonymous to a place without class and too many old men.

The only other Naija enjoyment that I have encountered are events that a group of people put together. Some examples are Euphoria (2008), Kings and Queens (2009), Swaggball (2009), Vice City (2009) etc. One of those type of events took place recently by a group of upcoming achievers and I recently saw some pictures of the event and I couldn't help but laugh.

I am definitely not a hater, just that I can't help but wonder why some some people would go through great lengths to organize a party, buy the most expensive clothing and drinks, while they do not have a clue of where their next meal is gonna come from. You see, one of the organizers of this said "Party" used all his pocket money and part of his tuition to pay for the hall they were gonna use. He even had the gots to ask his friends to borrow him some cash to pay for some courses which he was unable to take because he had used all the money for the party.

Prior to this event, his friends knew him to be a borrower who didn't pay back what he owed and still owes these same friends tonnes of money. I am still trying to phantom what this person stands to gain from doing this. Yeah, he may be popular for a while (Awon Bigs Boyz), but among his friends, he is nothing but a leech and a liability. I just tend to wonder what his priorities in life are.

PS: I know it's a little bit late but happy new year

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Have you been to the doctor lately?

I recently decided to go to the doctor this past week. There was nothing wrong wih me actually. I was just suprised that the 3 years I had been in canada, I had never been sick. Not even had a flu.
So, since I had health insurance with my University, I decided on having a physical.
Everything seemed fine but they recommended i see a gynecologist. When trying to set up an appointment, I found out that all the female specialists were booked for the whole year and it only remained a male doctor. I set the appointment either way and went for my check up.
The gynecologist was a man in his 40s. As if it wasn't awkward enough, he started making light conversations with me while he was inspecting my poom poom. I tried talking back but it felt so weird.
Anyways, I wanna thank God for making me have good health amongst other things. Especially being in this lonely cold country. Have a blessed Sunday.